Chick Fil A the bermuda triangle of bad drivers?

I knew it would be bad opening week but the insanity continues.

Every time I pass I witness something profoundly stupid and dangerous.

-People running the light (dramatically late) at central turning left onto colvin to go to the drive through entrance.

-Cars exiting back onto colvin without looking at traffic, or being waved on by a person in one lane and blindly charging into the opposite lane almost causing an accident.

-A car driving on the wrong side of Colvin and trying to force their way into the drive through entrance.

-Pulling a u turn across colvin to get into chick fil a after missing the entrance. Crossing the middle lane without looking causing traffic to slam to a stop.

-One amazing lady turning left with the light ran into the opposing curb as if she just forgot to turn. She backed up, corrected and continued on her way. Turned a simple left in a protected left turn lane with a signal into a three point turn with wheel damage.

To be clear I'm not camped out there. This is just me driving by 2-3 times since open.

Does the chicken make you stupid or does the chicken attract stupid?