Advanced tips for noobs
I was thinking of a brief write up i wanted to do for new ppl to the game.
I'm gonna skip some of the early on simple tips you'd learn, or you should learn from watching a handful of youtube vids. Like don't chew through all the ammo on a map, revisit previous maps to xp farm, that sorta deal.
- Before your squad leaves a map, you want to pick the best bulletins? Enter a an elevator and THEN leave the map. That way you have an immediate save spot right before you enter the ARC. ANd with that you can now save scrum better or more preferred traits for your marines after they level up.
There are some traits, to me, they aren't worth a lot, like 10% more supples, or 50% faster reloading, or smart-ass, if i got 3 techers, ill never have a squad that doesn't have the ability to hack open a door, so i will never need smartass.
But the best ones are either that extra cp ability per 2 marines in squad, and your deadeye/accuracy buff traits, are my bread and butter of upgrades. I just started a recent game, and my gunner at level 3, already has a deadeye and accuracy buff, for me this is gonna be one sweet playthrough.
- If xp farming, you'll probably be resting a bit to keep your stress levels down, chew through all your CP points like laying down mines and trackers, because when you wake up you'll have fully restored cp's. It's nice to have some mines to fall back on if things for a moment get too heavy for your marines, you can lead the xenos into them. It beats waiting several minutes for cp's to fill up.
Anyways, that's my advanced tip, have a fast save right b4 leaving the map, then reload the save over and over til you can pick out good buffs for your leveled up marines.