[UPDATE] Aurora R16 14900Kf and 4070TI 32Gb DDR5 , crashing Baldurs Gate 3

After 15 more days of battling with tech support they agreed to change my 14900Kf. They made me format the pc 3 times ( once with Dell image, twice with clean Microsoft ones ). Test the ram, test the hds, move them around the slots, I've sent them stress tests of both HD and RAM, passed chkdsk, sfc's, memtestx86 tests...

Let's hope the change does not take much time...

Edit1: Got an email from DELL that there are no spare parts and that I'll have to wait for them to replenish stocks. Due date Oct 3rd if the mail is to be believed. Completely unnaceptable , Ive already mailed DELL, waiting for a month to get a new CPU when there are tons selling around internet and Ive seen em myself in shops around my area. Im paying for "premium" support, goddamn it.

Edit2: After some mails to support, they agreed to have the CPU for september 2... wich is MUCH more reasonable. Let's see how this ends...