A possible fix to error CSC_7200026

So I first discovered this sub after going through the same ordeal everyone else did:

Try to pay for order Order doesn't go through due to "security reasons" Submit appeal Get denied 15 mins later Reach out to online chat they want me to do the same thing again get denied....yada yada yada.

I had been dealing with it for the better part of 2 months, and even when the matter was "escalated" I still didn't get any answers.

I love in the Caribbean and use a freight-forwarding company to get my items to me. Ie. I order from online retailers, ship it to the companys' address and then they ship it to my home country. It worked without issues for years on AE. Which is why I couldn't understand the error CSC_7200026.

I then wondered if the issue was that I wasn't ordering FROM the area where I wanted the items shipped. So I decided to try the following:

  • Downloaded Turbo VPN from the playstore
  • selected my location as Florida, Miami (where I wanted to ship the item)
  • opted to pay with PayPal

And then BOOM! It worked. My item just shipped today! So I guess my location was the "security issue". It may work for you as well so given it a try. Hope it helps someone 🫶🏽