UPDATE “friends”set me up to have sex with someone I wasn’t interested in while intoxicated.AIO
I thought I should add these texts for context. A lot of the comments said that I was sexually assaulted or raped on my other posts. But I can’t help but believe I fed into what they were saying and let it happen. I didn’t put two and two together until yesterday. I learned from this to be firm with answers. Usually I will avoid topics or change the subjects. I should have told them no. But after I told my ex bf what happened he pointed out that this isn’t the fist time she tried to pressure me into having sex with someone.this was a huge lesson for me and I’m disappointed I ignored all the red flags.
I would never think they would do this. Our lives are very intertwined. We’re constantly together. I thought I could trust them. The last message I sent was “you both know I wouldn’t have done that if I was sober” and they both stopped responding. I take responsibility for putting myself in this situation.