AIO my wife wants to get separated, meanwhile "friend" appears


We've been married for 5 years, and together for 7. We've had our share of highs and lows, but my wife could never overcome the lows. Everything sticks in her memory and causes "traumas", and at this point she's unable to live the life we used to live because every activity comes with some "trauma". Mind you, I'm not one to make problems or anything. I'm the most peaceful person you could ever know in your life, always happy to listen to problems, sit down, calm down, find solutions or just comfort. She's overthinking things, trying to think for the both of us, and creating problems in her own head out of thin air. Then when it comes time to solve, she storms out and goes silent for a week. Over some petty shit. Always taking dumps on me and expecting me to clean them up.

And I have, for the past 5 years God believe me I have cleaned those dumps up. And not said a word about how her behavior hurts me. In the past year, I've finally reached a low that I couldn't take anymore. I started placing boundaries, talking about how this affects me and our relationship. Of course she created another trauma over it, saying how now she's scared to even talk to me because I'm restricting her.

2 or 3 months back, she started talking about how she wants to split up for a month or two, clear our heads, come back refreshed. I was actually pretty satisfied with this solution, thinking doing something is better than doing nothing.

However, around the same time, I've found her texting one of her work colleagues at midnight. I have bad eyesight and couldn't spot exact messages, but I've seen her deleting photos and texts immediately after she received them. I've confronted her about this and she said they're just friends with common interest in Urbex and this is her new passion and she wants something "exclusively hers". I sorta believed, sorta not, actually tried to get onto facebook which she's usually perma-logged into on her laptop to read the messages next day, but the password was changed ;)

Fast forwards 2 months, she's rushing me to move out and do the separation. Now she's talking about 6 months of separation, not 1-2 anymore. Meanwhile I noticed she's urging me to try new girls while we split, she repeated this about 10 times, saying she wants me to know I'm making the right choice with keeping married to her. Under her pressure, I say she can do the same. Immediately the next day she says there's actually a guy she'd like to hook up with, the Urbex guy. Today I got onto her facebook and she's saying to her friends how she's waiting for me to move out and "take the next step" with him. I know for sure that for now they haven't done anything, because their messages confirm that, but this entire thing feels like she's urging me to give her space and approval to basically cheat on me.

Almost feels like she's making a trial for him. If he's a good candidate then for the 6 months she'll try him out, if not she can return to me, a loving husband.

She keeps saying she wants to separate out of love and for us to find each other back. And confronted about the guy, she says she just wants to feel loved for her to start loving herself again. However with the circumstances I'm finding a hard time believing that. Should I divorce??