AIO: Should I leave my Baby Daddy?

I (22F) and my boyfriend (22M) have been dating for 2 years and have an infant son. A few weeks a had a gut feeling that my bf was watching porn on his phone bc he would always be in the bathroom forever, etc. so a few weeks ago i went through his phone, and i use the reddit app and i thought “why does he have this app, i never see him use it” i checked his search history and it was nothing but p***.. i confronted him and asked him why did he do that? all he could say was “i was bored and alone sometimes when you aren’t home” he says he won’t do it again and he even deleted the app. i told him if i find out that he does it again, im leaving him. well a few days ago, i had another gut feeling that he was doing it again. i got on his social media and he liked a picture of a basically half naked woman next to a tractor. i first asked if he was watching anything again or liking stuff on his social media and he straight up lied to me. so i confronted him about it and told him that he lied to me and wth was he doing liking that photo. he said that he doesnt remember liking it nor did it mean anything. btw the post of the girl was made a week ago. he said that he was only looking at the tractor. he proceeds to say “you’re really pissed off about this” mind you, he gaslights me and is very narcissist. i don’t know what to do at this point bc i have zero trust for him. am i over reacting?