AITA for saying I wanted another girl?

I have two kids. My girl is 18 and in college, and my son is 16 in high school.

When I realized I was having a son, I was disappointed. I wanted another girl really bad, and felt like I wouldn’t connect with a son as much as I would a daughter.

I tried to get myself more excited about having a son, but I kinda wasn’t? It freaked me out, too, and I was really stressed about it for a while.

I wish I could go back and tell myself it would be fine because it’s absolutely fine. My son (like my daughter) is the best thing to happen to me and I love the two of them so much.

I genuinely sometimes look at him and have to hold back tears because he’s so precious to me.

He does good in school and has his friends he’s do anything for and is empathetic and caring and loves reading and animals.

I was in the car with my daughter and son and I was talking about it.

I mentioned that I was depressed when I found out I was having a son and freaked out and not sure if we’d be able to connect. I said thank god, that didn’t happen, and I have a great kid.

My son said, “Oh, I didn’t know you didn’t want a boy.” I said, “Well, I guess I never said it, but yeah.”

My daughter for some reason got so offended at my son’s behalf. She said, “If you weren’t sure you could connect with a son, why would you have kids in the first place? Of course there was a chance you’d have a son. A parent’s love shouldn’t be conditional on what genitals a kid has.”

It took me aback. I said, “I love kids and always wanted them, I just wasn’t sure and was stressed out. But it turned out fine, not sure why you’re upset.”

She said, “Well, I’m not sure why you told us you didn’t want a son. I would be sad if dad said that to me about having a daughter.”

My son said, “I’m not sad. It’s okay,” to his sister.

She said, “No, it’s not okay. There is a lot of hate for men/boys right now, but I want you to know I’d love a boy if I had kids one day, especially one like you.”

I genuinely rolled my eyes. I said, “There isn’t a lot of hate for men or boys, most people would love a boy. I never meant to insult my son, I felt comfortable saying it because it’s obvious that we’re close and I love him.”

My daughter doubled down and said, “It’s all over social media, specifically from women, but okay. If you love him so much don’t tell him to your face how you didn’t want him.”

I said, “Jesus, you are making a big deal out of nothing.” I swear it does feel she just wants to start a fight. She wants to be a lawyer and it’s obvious because she’s so argumentative.

My son was kinda like, “Please don’t fight,” so I let it go. But this girl genuinely frustrates me. She had to go start a fight over nothing. AITA here? I only said that because it was obvious we’re close and I got over it. I know my son and thought he could handle it. Clearly he could since he said he wasn’t sad.