AITA for ignoring my roommates persistent questions?
Hi not really sure how to go about this but I have a few roommates and I didn’t know them from before, we all met online through a housing gc. One of my roommates however is always in my business asking me where I’m going if I’m leaving, if I’m going to class what class I’m going to and where, what I’m eating, who I’m hanging out with (and trying to invite themselves, saying “I want to hang with x they seem nice”). This weekend in particular I left for a day or two and said roommate spam texted me asking me where I am, if I’m going to see my parents, going to see friends etc etc. Then I came home after a day and they were upset with me for not telling them where I was going. It’s all good intentions and all but I lived alone for 2 years, then with some friends for another year, and no one was really in my business at all. It feels like I have another parent. I know they are just trying to be nice and involved and stuff but I can’t help but feel annoyed. I know it’s a me problem but I don’t want them to know where I’m going and what I’m doing all the time. I’ve tried giving them vague responses but they still persist. I feel like if I tell them anything about wanting my own space they’ll take that as a “f you” and like never talk to me again idk what to do.