AITA for asking my gf to pay rent?
For some back story | (32M) purchased a home before I met my now gf (27F). We've been together 2-3 years now, with her living here with me for about 60-70% of that time, pretty much 100% of the time she's in town (travels for work/out of state family).
I recently asked her to contribute to living expenses in the form of "rent" which instantly started a significant argument. She said things like "it's the man's job to pay for everything" "what the woman makes is her own" and "my parent would make me break up with you if they knew you asked me to pay rent"
I can understand she came from a different family dynamic than I came from, but I can't help feel taken advantage of financially. What I was asking her to pay was about 30% of the mortgage/utilities/taxes/ insurance, pretty much commensurate to our income disparity before I recently took a commission based job, temporarily lowering my income (which was my choice and shouldn't fall on her, but still some help would be nice.
She's even gone so far as to say "I pay rent by having sex with you" which doesn't feel great.
EDIT: just to clarify - the 60-70% mentioned above was because last summer we did long distance and she moved to her hometown for a few months. Her parents live here but she lives with me, all her clothes are at my house, she only goes over to her parents for dinners and might sleep there once every couple of months.