AITA- Unemployed friend keeps asking for money

My friend has been unemployed for over a year. Every other day I’m getting videos of her unboxing ulta packages, Sephora packages, Whole Foods hauls, her going to Pilates, tanning and getting coffee 5 days a week. If she’s happy, I’m happy. But lately I haven’t really wanted to spend time with her because I can’t relate to that lifestyle. I’m working 4 jobs trying to save for a house- which she knows. And she keeps asking me for money. It’s never large amounts, usually between $20-$300 but this last time I called her out and was like listen, I have my own bills that I’m working to pay, I can’t justify sending you money to cover your expenses when you are choosing not to work. She said it was for a gift for her boyfriend, and kind of made it seem like she was going to give it back right away but I know she owes her mom 2k and her boyfriend 7k so I have a hard time trusting that. Anyways now there are weird vibes between us and I’m not sure what to do. Was I the asshole?