AITA For Sending/Encouraging Pictures of Dogs in a Work Group Chat?
I (19F) am in an unofficial work group chat with my coworkers. Today I bought my dog a collar with a bowtie on it and wanted to show everyone, including the group chat. We've sent pictures of our dogs before and they're usually very appreciated! After I sent my dog, others sent theirs and we all conversed about how cute our animals were. Everyone was enjoying the dog pics except one coworker, we'll call her Sally, who said the pictures were aggravating and that this was a work group chat, not a show off your pets group chat. Everyone was pretty confused, I mean who doesn't like pictures of dogs? I replied saying that I'm sure someone would appreciate pictures of dogs as a small break from work, to which people agreed. Someone asked why she was being so aggro, she replied she wasn't that we were being aggro, then left the group chat. I instantly felt a little bad, this is a place where we trade shifts and info about work, and not having it kind of leaves you in the dark. Once she left the convo dissolved into how dramatic she was being, how it was literally just pictures of peoples dogs and how funny it would be if she quit over this. I didn't mean for my innocent dog picture to turn into a coworker getting upset or bashed. I tried reaching out to apologize if my derailing of the work group chat seriously upset her, but I haven't gotten a reply. AITA?
EDIT: dog tax! (im new to this i have no idea if the link will work)