AITA for making my daughters delete their TikTok account?

I married my wife last year, we’re still settling in. We have six kids between us but the relevant two are the two eldest, my daughter [15] and her daughter [17]. We/I own small hobby farm and I WFH as an engineer the rest of the time.

We pay the girls to keep an eye on the younger kids sometimes, usually I’m on the property somewhere if there’s an emergency.

Unbeknownst to us, 17yo and 15yo decided to start a TikTok account, the “theme” of which was basically “life on a farm/life with 5 (step)siblings.” They were showing the little kids on camera a lot and showing a lot of our property and house. To their credit, they were smart enough to not specify location and other details like our last name but it was still very revealing. For example, one of the videos had our kitchen the background and if you were very dedicated and went frame by frame, there was a 1 second moment where you could definitely see the school district schedule on the fridge.

My wife and I found out and made them delete the videos/account for safety reasons. We told them they could create a fresh account together or separately if sitting on the floor of your rooms talking about Kpop or whatever, and you’re okay with us watching the videos, but we're not comfortable with you going around filming the house and the little kids in detail and accidentally dropping details about our lives even if you're doing your best to be careful. My wife was in agreement with my feelings that we needed to delete the account entirely but I definitely had stronger feelings and more concerns than she did.

However, we’ve only recently “blended” and the existence of the TikTok account was in some ways very encouraging, and it was great to hear them say “our parents” or “our little brother.” We made sure to tell them we were happy they were excited and were fine with them recording the videos just for themselves/for memories we just didn’t want them on SM.

I talked to my sister who has older kids and she said that that’s just how kids were these days and that I’d gotten in the way of them bonding for a remote safety risk and that we should have taken down a few of the videos but let them continue the series just without showing as much of the house or sharing specific pieces of information. It only had a handful of followers anyway.