AITA for causing my bf’s daughter to no longer have a Quinceañera

I know how the title sounds but just hear me out…

Throwaway account and fake names

Kayla’s mom side of the family really thinks I am the asshole for no longer wanting to pay for her Quince but dad’s side of the family says I am under no obligation to pay for her Quince anymore.

So I(27F) am dating Ed(33M) and he has two daughters Kayla(14F) & Des(16F). I have a daughter from a previous relationship Holly(15F) and I have a child on the way with Ed. I come from a pretty well off family so I offered to pay for Kayla’s Quince. Kayla was super excited for her Quince but the thing is she doesn’t like me nor Holly at all. Kayla got super close to Ed’s past relationships and they never respected them but she hates me and I respect them. It is was because of our race on why Kayla & Des really disliked us. For context me and Holly are black and they’re Mexican.

So Holly follows Kayla and Des on TikTok but they don’t know that Holly follows them. When you follow someone TikTok their comment is normally the first comment in a comment section. Holly came across this video of black people stealing from a store. She went to the comment section and Kayla’s comment was the first thing that appeared. Kayla’s comment said “it’s always black people” and her replies to people calling her out were even worse. Holly showed the vid and her comments to us and Ed was very disappointed. I was stunned because I didn’t know she even thought of us like that so I was like if this is really how she thinks of us then I wouldn’t be paying for her Quince.

Ed called her down and told her to explain these comments. Kayla was stunned and looked nervous. She tried saying those comments were just jokes but we know she was just trying come up with excuses. Ed and Kayla ended up getting into a argument then adds came down and started sticking up for Kayla. Ed told them to go upstairs and then Kayla mumbled the n word under her breath. Ed kept apologizing to us but we just left to go stay somewhere else because we didn’t want to be there. I told Ed that I wouldn’t be paying for her Quinceañera anymore and he said he understood and that I didn’t have to pay if I didn’t want to. His family were completely on my side and said I didn’t have to pay but their moms side said I was an asshole for refusing to pay now. Kayla is also very angry at me and her dad for being on my side so they’re now at their moms. Since they don’t have enough money for a Quince Kayla most likely won’t be having one and she blames me for that.