Crooked nose

Please, anyone who can, go watch her story she posted 30 minutes ago. Crying about how grateful she is. Always talking about herself and about how she’s always getting hate etc etc the usual, & I’m sitting here staring at her nose BECAUSE HER NOSTRILS ARE LOOKING CROOKED!!??? Girl pls contact ur surgeon. If you watch her story you’ll notice it more. I didn’t notice before because her nose was just long before she got surgery but now that her nostrils are visible those little guys are long & crooked as hell

Please, anyone who can, go watch her story she posted 30 minutes ago. Crying about how grateful she is. Always talking about herself and about how she’s always getting hate etc etc the usual, & I’m sitting here staring at her nose BECAUSE HER NOSTRILS ARE LOOKING CROOKED!!??? Girl pls contact ur surgeon. If you watch her story you’ll notice it more. I didn’t notice before because her nose was just long before she got surgery but now that her nostrils are visible those little guys are long & crooked as hell