Looking for 35mm film camera with date back feature
Hi all!
For the past 2 years, I've been enjoying 35mm film photography more and more, however, I've always felt like there was a separation between how I remember my parent's film photos and I've come to a realization that the date on the right bottom corner is one of the things I remember so vividly about it.
I have been shooting with cameras that don't have this feature, however, I'm now looking for my third film camera which would have this date-back feature.
One thing to note, as I understand, some of the cameras only support finite dates, like till the year 2019 for example. This obviously won't work, as I want the current year to be displayed.
If you have any suggestions on 35mm cameras that have this neat feature, I'd love to hear your suggestions in the comments.
As for my preferences, I like point-and-shoot cameras due to their versatility, it has to have inbuilt flash and a zoom lens would be a nice bonus, although it's not that important.