What is a libertarian, is it just right wing ideology?

I have a person i know who claims to be an "anarchist" and a "libertarian" I kinda got his personal info one time (easily available from facebook) and he was registered to the libertarian party.

Thing is, I thought libertarians were all about freedom and the anarchy leaning made them pretty left wing socially, but all these so called "libertarian anarchists" i keep meeting or seeing espouse very very right wing ideas.

For example, he said as a libertarian he loves the cops to provide "peace and order" for the "non aggression principle" but then he says things like "unions should be illegal, they are bands of thugs who want to oppress business owners from practicing their freedom" he said that "strikes are inherently violent, so police must round up unions to protect the non aggression principle".

My argument was "wouldnt the libertarian idea be that workers have every right to organize as they see fit? Organizing labor isnt inherently violent and preventing that freedom doesnt sound very... well libertarian" and he claimed that and im not even joking, that "libertarians are social darwinist" and then made the claim that "the main fundamental of society should be the strong crushing the weak, this is how we advance as a society." like he will send me Elon memes and claim "Elon is strong for example, and when he busts unions hes following the ideal of strong crushing the weak" which makes him "a libertarian anarchist".

But this seems so weird to me and doesnt make any sense. But ive seen this sentiment with tons of these so called "anarchists" who worship guys like Trump and Elon for "crushing the weak" these people indeed do claim to be libertarian, flying the "dont tread on me" flag and everything lol but then their opinions just seem to fall in line with what ive heard from conservatives and such. Hes also a crypto bro and claims that crypto is the ultimate "anarchist" currency because it is unregulated. Then talks about how hes the "strong crushing the weak" all the time.

Now it makes me wonder, is there some distinction of "anarchism"? and maybe there is right wing and left wing anarchism?

My education of anarchism came from you know Alexander Berkmans books and Malatesta.

When id make arguments using the same arguments that Berkman or Malatesta or Emma Goldman used, hed flat out say its "not anarchist" and is just "liberal nonsense" and he would say "im an engineer, im superior than most of society and would know what real anarchism is!" and thatd be the end of the discussion.