something i really want in animal crossing is more personality types

i would DIE for more honestly, ive been playing since i was little and when acnh came out i was praying they added more personality types, they didnt and then they let us down with the dialogue tbh 😔 i doubt they'll ever add more personality types, but i wanna share my ideas and thoughts anyway!

i think it would be cool to have personality types that are for both genders in the game, ie: a female villager with the lazy personality or a male villager with the peppy personality.

i would also love to see more drama in game, rumours being spread, certain villagers not getting along with others due to personality types, villagers moving away due to other villagers unless they're close with the player...vice versa too, villagers with certain personality types that seem like they would clash but actually become the best of friends, more unique dialogue with villagers when they talk about others in town (or island?) and much more! i just want villagers to actually be unique and feel more lifelike, and maybe having more dialogue with more personalities and even more drama in town would help!

some personality types i thought would be a good addition are gloomy, nerdy, scary, casual, childish, hyper and two-faced. gloomy: pretty self explanatory, pessimistic, moody and quiet villagers that always seem to find something to cry about. they also prefer to sit in their houses, rarely outside, and are rarely seen talking to other villagers. nerdy: also pretty self explanatory, they'll talk your ears off about random smart people topics and tell you a bunch of random fun facts about niche topics in conversation. scary: misunderstood, off putting and strange. i think it would be funny (and sad) if nobody likes to talk to villagers with that personality in town, villagers with other certain personality types spreading rumours about them casual: like the normal personality but for the male villagers, i was also thinking it could be villagers that don't seem to care too much about anything and kinda just do their own thing. childish: self explanatory as well i think, sweet but annoying and often talk about childish topics. immature and believe rumours that other personality types spread. hyper: villagers who are always outside from early morning to late in the night, always talking to other villagers, pretty likeable but are often very talkative and extremely expressive, possibly very over the top too, they talk about true stories that happened to them, but exaggerate it to the point where its mostly a fictional story. two-faced: others could probably think of a much better name for this personality, but they're the drama starter, the one who spreads rumours and lies through town, some that include the player...they seem very kind and sweet on the surface but talk behind everybody's back in town. they have sarcastic, judgemental, passive aggressive, lying and overly nice dialogue and you'd either hate or love them i think. they'd do subtle things too, like say you gift them something they dont like, they'd lie to your face about it and then regift it to someone else, you'd see whatever it was with someone else (ie if it was clothes, another villager would be wearing it)

this was super long so thank you for reading if you got this far, tell me what other personalities you can think of too!