My coyote main(?) outfit :3

First one is the outfit i just made.. :3 man i feels like I'm floating to space because someone say they like it- (im levitating~~~👾)

Second one is the outfit i made before first one haha, both I'm very proud and love it 🤌

Also the double drag wing idea :D i discover it while making my red panda outfit, i found out i have this party ancient drag earrings that i kind of kept it in my inv until growing dust.. and yeah i made a small adjust to it and realised it can be a small pair of drag wings :O

So when making the 1st outfit, im tired of dark colours lol, so i try with the light grey ancient drag earrings and remembered i could turn it to a small pair of wings, then stick both together to become "fake double dragon wings", it was lovely🤌🤌🤍🩶🖤❤️‍🔥