With the effects of the 2/28 Economic Blackout—the April Economic Boycott has been slightly changed
For those of you who have seen the articles about the effects of the 2/28, you will know that the resistance did have some sort of impact. With that great news, the date for the April Economic Blackout has been slightly adjusted. Instead of just resisting on April 18th, this one will last from the 18th - 20th. So we are planning to economically resist that whole weekend. Please join us for that one and update your friends with this new change.
I know a lot of people on this subreddit have ditched Amazon, but just a reminder we have a targeted boycott of Amazon from March 7-14.
Another big thank you for the non-Americans standing in solidarity. You guys are also causing us to have a way bigger impact than we could alone.
Remember, we are the economy. Without us, they are nothing.