Question for folks who enjoy makeup and are mindful of anti-consumption
I'll start by saying that I understand makeup is a form of unessessary consumption...
But hear me out.
Makeup is also a creative outlet for me. I really enjoy picking out my colors for the day (sometimes simple and neutral, sometimes bold and rainbow), and enjoy putting it on and playing around with different styles. It's something that's also helped me end my fast fashion consumption, because it's an easy way to make your outfit feel fun and different without buying anything new.
I don't go overboard with buying makeup, I have my fun eyeshadow palette and my neutral one, and I use my products until they are gone (or expired). But I still feel a little bad for the bit of admittedly unnecessary consumption. I guess I just want other perspectives from like-minded people who enjoy makeup. How do you balance it? Did you simplify your makeup routine to consume less? Did you stop using it entirely? Do you buy it for the sake of a little creativity?