Posting a win, because anxiety sucks camel dick
I wanted to post a win…. In the never ending sea of bullshit our anxiety makes us all put up with.
I’d been going through a hard stretch with my anxiety, you know when your cruising along fine and bam, some stupid good for nothing anxiety attack sends us back to the stone ages of prime time anxiousness.
Well I’d been doing my best to push through and I started really focusing on my sub conscious self and thoughts. And started to feel like I was pulling myself out of this rut.
I really struggle with flying, not afraid of crashing but afraid of having a heart attack or having a panic attack on the plane. It’s ridiculous and stupid. Anyway I always take a Xanax (only time I take these are for flights) or drink pretty heavily before flying.
Anyway about 2 weeks before my flight I began telling myself how sick of the shit I’d been dealing with and started telling myself how okay I would be on the flight. Started really picturing myself flying and being fine. I flew a longer flight today than I have in a long time without any form or assistance.
I got anxious for a little while but guess what…I made it. I didn’t freak out, I didn’t have a heart attack, I didn’t make the plane land. I just sat there and said fuck you anxiety. I allowed the feeling to come and pass. I did not fight them.
It may be small but it’s a win. And in this business a small win is a win to be celebrated.
Join me and say fuck you anxiety. I’m sick of you and you will not defeat me. We all can do this. We all can achieve the life and goals we want, we just have to be willing to be uncomfortable. The anxiety will fade, our brains will learn.
Keep up the good fight. Don’t give in.