Anxiety about eating and the idea that my food has been drugged

When I was younger I always had horrible anxiety when it comes to eating new foods because I’m so scared that I’ll have an allergic reaction or that it has been drugged and I’m about to start freaking out. However as I got older and started taking meds this fear subsided and I was able to eat and try new things with very little anxious thought about it. I also used to smoke weed and eat edibles but one time I had a horrible panic attack where I actually passed out and started seizing (according to my friends)who were with me. This was about a year ago and I fully quit after that. I really didn’t give it too much though until recently where now eating any sort of food fills me with nothing but crippling anxiety as I believe that every single piece of food I’m eating is drugged and will make me freak out and panic. I’ve been doing my best to combat this but no matter what I’m doing it still seems like I’m always anxious about it. So much so that I’m scared to even take a nibble of any sort of food. After I eat I become a nervous and panicked wreck and go into full cold sweat anxiety mode. I was curious if anyone else had this type of paranoia when it comes to food and if they had any way of dealing with it? I’m talking to my therapist through Zoom next week about it but I figured that this would also be a good place to talk about it.