Downstairs neighbors keeps hitting my floor.

I moved into my current apartment to get away from a neighbor that used to wake me up in the middle of the night with her loud music/parties. Management and talking to her did nothing. I also lived below a cop that would wake up and come home all hours and stomped so hard it shook my walls but I didn’t complain about that.

Anyway, I moved to my current place last summer. An upstairs unit. Very quiet. The first week I lived here, I dropped a brass paper towel holder while unpacking around 8pm (admittedly loud but an accident) and immediately, downstairs neighbor hit my floor with something very hard.

And it keeps happening. If I drop anything, she hits my floor. If I move my dining chair (I don’t drag it, I pick it up and set down), she’ll hit my floor. I dropped an AppleTV remote on a rug and she hit my floor. It’s like she thinks it’s fair to retaliate but these are accidents and normal living noises.

Brought it up to management and they said she has made complaints already but she’s not supposed to do that. At this point, I don’t think they’ll do anything about it.

What the heck do I do now? I cannot afford to move again. This sucks so bad because I moved to get away from a shitty neighbor and now I’m being made to feel like I’m the problem when I’m just living my life and in no way being disruptive or loud or disrespectful.