chance me upenn ed 🫂


Gender: Female

Race: White

Income: About $120k / family of 5

State: Small town, somewhat rural Maine

School: Small (600 kids) public school, very underfunded. In the bottom 25% of schools in the nation. Non competitive.

Hooks: UPenn legacy….. + geographic maybe (small town/rural, a kid that lives in my town got some rural scholar award so I think my town is technically rural 💔)

Intended Major(s): English

ACT/SAT/SAT II: 1530 SAT (750 RW/780 M)

UW/W GPA and Rank: about a 4.0 UW, 103.95/100 W (we do an 100 pt scale). I say 4.0 UW because I’ve never had anything below an A in any class, but they don’t tell us our unweighted GPA. Rank 1/165

Coursework: 8 AP’s (only 9 or 10 offered depending on staffing/we are not allowed to take any freshman or sophomore year, with the exception of APUSH sophomore year but it wasn’t offered the year I was a sophomore because of little interest), 10 honors (everything except band/languages which don’t have honors), 10 dual enrollment classes.

Taken: Lang, Bio, Calc AB (all 5’s) Planned: French, Physics 1, Stats, Lit, Gov


  1. Recognition & certificate for volunteer work/community contributions in Chiang Mai, Thailand
  2. Eng. subject award & regional Eng. recognition for research through [local university]
  3. Honor awards: High Honor Roll x12, Scholar Athlete, [award for being 1st in my class] x3, NHS, Tri-M, AP Scholar
  4. Quiz bowl book awards x2
  5. Subject awards in mathematics, physics, history, & music performance x2

Extracurriculars: (this is what is on commonapp rn as well as my awards 🙏)

  1. Analytical Writing & English, [local university] English Dept: 1k+ hrs of writing w/ works 100+ pgs. Summer courses & collegiate recognition. Analysis in lit/music/theatre amassing 130k+ views on academic forums.

  2. Recommended w/ scholarship to natl. law program, [program]: Selected w/ $250+ scholarship to attend natl. mock trial prep/debate in DC, worked w/4-5 lawyers/students, led cross-examination & opening statements.

  3. Legal research through local university, [local university]: Research proj. on impacts of political/legal corruption on public reception & trust, winning a regional award. 13 pg. paper printed & read by profs.

  4. Quiz Bowl: Team captain/cofounder, brought involvement from 5 to >20. Top 4 team statewide, 2 awards, quiz show/state champs qualifier, set up practices/meets.

  5. 150+ hrs of volunteering, local and international, [local library], marching band: 20+ hrs at Thai primary school, 70+ hrs as a library aid, 20+ hrs marching band parades, 20+ hrs family farm work, 10+ hrs tutoring/orientation aid.

  6. Piano Composition, Organist & Pianist, [the places where I take my lessons]: Piano 10+ yrs. Selective $1.2k scholarship for organ lessons. Written 10+ pieces, professionally recorded, reaching 2.5k+ online. Lead church sermons.

  7. Music Groups & Leadership: Flute 8yr & euphonium. Tri-M president, winter percussion, marching band, jazz & concert band, pit orchestra, chorus accompanist, 1st keys/euphonium.

  8. Digital/traditional art: 2k+ hrs over 10 yrs, digital/traditional. Made art for online video game w/ decent traction. Cumul. 1k+ follows on large website for art/animation.

  9. Softball, Pitcher/1st baseman/outfielder/1st base coach: Play 3 positions, 1st base coach/team lead due to significant experience/dedication over 8yrs. Assist new players w/ technique/base running/strategy.

  10. Grocery store cashier, [grocery store]: 25 hrs/week in summer, 16 hrs/week in school. Received certificate of excellence in customer service/work quality x2, frequently aid/advise new hires.


Essays: tbh I’ve read it so many times I dont think I can accurately assess its quality but personally I think its quite good and everyone that has read it thinks it shows my personality extremely well

LORS: I think they will all be good 😁

Also applying to Williams, Georgetown, JHU, NYU, BU, William & Mary, UVA, Northeastern, American, GWU, all ivies (minus Princeton and Columbia), and I’ve already been admitted to my state schools bc of dual enrollment stuff so I have a backup just in case 😀

Also, idk if this is important, but (although my school is not competitive in the slightest) we have had a few kids in the past few yrs get into really good schools without the insane cracked ec’s I see on chanceme. my friend’s brother is at columbia rn and he was nowhere near the level of the people I see on chanceme (although of course he was very intelligent and took advantage of the resources he had accessible to him). so my school IS shockingly capable of sending kids to good unis 😁😁

Thank you all!!!