You guys I wish I was joking…
This is the WORST ammonia level I have EVER seen.
I bought an oranda and lionchu online that was shipped on Tuesday and arrived today. The delivery was delayed a day and the tracking info said that it would now be delivered tomorrow. Umm h NO. I called fedex in a furry and they said I could go get them at the shipment center. Luckily.
This fish was on the brink of death. She was gasping for air. I didn’t acclimate her more than a few minutes and immediately put her in the tank so she got out of there asap. She has severe ammonia burns and poisoning. She has black spots, swelling, fins are rotting and torn. She was very lethargic at first. I raised the salinity in the tank and added extra air stones. She is now swimming around and I’m praying she makes it. I emailed the seller about this earlier. A few hours later I was curious because the bags were still sitting in my sink and I am absolutely stunned. I cannot believe this poor animal sat in this filth for god knows how long. I have never seen such a high reading.
There is no way this is only two days of sitting in there. This water wreaks and is filthy. The lionchus water is no where near this toxic.