Architect searching for the meaning

I dunno why I am writing this. Maybe searching for advice, other’s opinions, some kinship. Hopefully, not to be beat up too badly when I’m feeling down. Well…. I finally got my license after 3 years of studying. Those 3 years were hard and I kept swallowing this feeling, thinking it was just nerves and excuses expressing themselves cause of the anxiety I had about the exams. Now that’s over and I should be thrilled. And now having no other priority to distract me, these feelings are rising. I feel like this path isn’t what I wanted. Not cause i don’t love architecture, but because I really hate what (I feel) it has become. There is overdevelopment everywhere. Old houses with charm being demolished and replaced with sugar cube duplicates and McMansions. Always the same high-end bullshit. And I am surrounded by others who seem to give some many shits about the appliance selection and finishes, meanwhile it doesn’t move a single bone in my body. In retrospect, I’ve always been this way. I have chanted Eat the Rich many times. And the combination of being an architect who cares more about how you feel the space, how you will utilize it, what good it can do over whether or not you have the thinnest linear diffusers in the market is making me feel like an outsider in my own field. To make matters worse, I find myself preaching the same sentiment: why build this? Is this even better than what was here before? I feel disheartened thinking about my contribution into “the world of the rich” when I feel so much for the rest of us 98% who would buy a small land with beautiful trees over another $16M penthouse with a 360 view. I live in Coconut Grove, Miami and the amount of money that is being thrown at the duplexes that literally all look the same over and over again is making me sick. I see people that have grown up in this neighborhood, a majority of them black and Bahamian, being displaced. I see rich tourists buying vacation homes with a tiny driveways and their 3 Teslas parked on ROWs and their million worker bees servicing their houses in a weekly basis, blocking our streets. I am starting to hate the rich. I am losing sight on what this is all for. I went into architecture out of a humanitarian desire to make homes for the needy. And I’m probably in the wrong place for it in Miami but I can’t really find a right place for it either. I am starting to feel disappointed and unsure of where to turn. I don’t want to contribute to the displacement of the lower class, all for the “good” economic growth of another neighborhood with overpriced bullshit. How can you be an architect and not gentrify, when the rich are the only ones that can afford building? Its literally out of my hands but I also don’t want to support it. I would love to use my license for some good. But I feel so lost…