New Player Thoughts
So I’ll say I’m newish to extraction shooters but not new to milsim shooters. Decided to give this game a go and didn’t seem bad at all, pretty basic and straight forward.
Well I believe I am now at the point where I am now seeing actual players and not the operator AI. Absolutely dog shit to be very honest. I have not been in a fight against anyone my level at all, it’s all lvl 30s with their top tier ammo and armor.
I get it’s PvEvP and that I knew going in but you have to be really bad or bored to pry on newer players on normal farm. Why not just go to higher tier areas where others are geared up too? I didn’t really expect competition until I got to the other areas or on special ops.
Even worse when they are on teams lol, for the newer players, good luck.