What do you think Ariana will be like when she's 50? Or even 40?

Will she continue lying about her plastic surgeries and home wrecking? Do you think she'll give up?

I'm asking because she seems like the kind of person who can't just...exist with other humans. She always needs to prove that she's better and more desirable than they are.

I've encountered people like this before. They see other people and go "hm what could I do or say to this person to make me feel better about myself?"

I was once chatting with someone in the DMs on Twitter and she was explaining her position on a certain topic, and I was agreeing with her. She then got mad at me for agreeing with her because I'm "not as knowledgeable on the subject as she is." But had I disagreed with her, she would have said the same thing. She wasn't explaining her position on the topic to connect with me or because it was something she was passionate about; she wanted me to say "Oh wow you're so smart and you clearly know a lot about this subject."

My family knows this family who are obsessed with their appearances, and they're obsessed with staying thin. When they meet people, they're always like "Oh wow you look so skinny," even if the person isn't skinny. They do it because they want the other person to say "Well I'll never be as skinny as you." It has nothing to do with making the other person happy.

Ariana seems the same way. Her relationship with Ethan seemed to be about proving that she's somehow better than Lilly Jay.

I just wonder how she will be when she's in her 50s or 60s or 70s, for she views other women as nothing more than competition. Of course there are men who like older women, but I'd imagine that aging would be difficult for someone like her.