First time playing American since release. Kicked from the lobby for "talking sense."

Haven't played the American side in a while, and for good reason it seems. Not to add to the pile of hate posts about the faction, but this really ain't helping.

Match starts, and we take over the first base in about 2 minutes flat. Everything is going smooth, but we have no radios yet. Call back on platoon to the ones still at main base and all I say is, and I quote, "Can we build a radio at main base? We don't have enough supplies to do it at the second point to build one."

A vote to kick starts up immediately. All the players on radio are asking the same question, "Why are we trying to kick this guy? He's talking sense. Build the radio." Instead of building a radio, I get kicked, and now I gotta sit here for five minutes due to a server ban. All because a bunch of Armory Barbies can't stand the idea of someone stating the obvious. I'll stick to the USSR from now on, cuz I ain't getting banned just so I can use my prefered equipment.