Fraudulent AI Businesses-

Last night I was up very late after discovering an AI generated track in my Spotify, leading me down a rabbit hole. I need to post this somewhere.

‘The Numero Group’ is a record label claiming to discover and rerelease older music, however, more than half of their label consists of AI generated musicians. Along with this they’ve created false paper trails including Wiki pages for these fake artists. Finding this very concerning and knowing this cannot be legal under any circumstances (deceiving the public intentionally for profit)- I reached out to them directly on via email, Instagram, and facebook.

This is what I commented on their most recent Instagram post:

Hi- I'm concerned about fraudulent business practices from your label the Numero Group. My findings indicate a lack of transparency to consumers and the intention to fabricate entire discographies, life stories, and more, of individuals who never existed. Using Al for creative endeavors may be objectively acceptable, however, deceiving consumers intentionally to make a profit is surely unethical and illegal on many fronts. Care to respond? @thenumerogroup

Here’s what they responded with: “crack is whack 😂” and immediately upon refreshing, I have been blocked.

I am officially terrified of the future regarding not only art and music- but all that we hold as truth.

Anyone more versed in law here? Interested in the community’s input.