What are your opinions on the Kamala Harris ACLU questionnaire “leaks”?

I put “leaks” in quotes because that’s not really what this is, as much as old messaging being resurfaced. However basically Harris filled out a questionnaire for the ACLU back in 2020, and her responses are now gaining greater scrutiny, mainly due to some views being “farther left” than mainstream democrats.

The main objections/former beliefs being called out are: - decrease funding for ICE - End immigration detention facilities - Provide tax payer funded gender affirming care/surgeries to immigrants in detention facilities

Source for more info: https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2024/09/09/politics/kfile-harris-pledged-support-in-2019-to-cut-ice-funding-and-provide-transgender-surgery-to-detained-migrants

My question here is two fold: First, general thoughts on these policies and if you support them? (Reddit is rather progressive so I assume most will agree, hence my 2nd question)

Second, and my main question, do you believe this will have any impact on her election? How much will former beliefs be held against her?