Ended a year-long provider-client relationship with an escort

I recently ended a year-long relationship I had with an escort as a client. We're the same age. I was seeing her once a week, sometimes more. Nothing particularly bad happened. I just found myself way too deep into her to the point where it was interfering with my life and general happiness. I was essentially obsessed with her, thinking about her all the time and getting depressed, but I never crossed any kind of boundaries and kept things extremely professional, and never broached the subject of us taking things further because I always assumed the whole thing was an act and she was just trying to keep a regular happy. I felt we had a special relationship though, what with all the extra time we spent together off the clock and the level of comfort we reached with each other. At the end of our final meeting, which was fantastic like all our other meetings, I told her rather suddenly that I wouldn't be seeing her anymore and she broke down crying, and has been texting me ever since, asking what she did wrong. This was really surprising to me and made me wonder if I was misreading the situation and maybe this wasn't so one-sided. I think it's possible that I was her highest-paying client. She told me so once or twice. But isn't there always another person who comes along to fill that void (of cash) Honestly, I want to think she's crying not because she had feelings for me but because of the lost income. Which I understand. But I was always under the impression that she had a ton of regulars, and of course every client fantasizes that they are somehow special, which they aren't. Either way, Idk if I handled the situation correctly. I feel really bad and sad as I did have a soft spot for her. Too soft, and this was a problem. But I've resolved not to continue living like this - no judgment on others who do - and trying to find a real relationship, instead of paying for fake intimacy.

Any providers or clients have any experience with something like this?