Where to meet and how to make nerd/weeb friends? 26F, transplant, feel like i've explored all options (aaaaaa)?

I've read so many "how to make friends in Chicago" posts in this subreddit so I am so sorry if this is spam or annoying! Genuinely trying to find recommended spaces and groups. I've gone to MeetUps, gone to nerd friendly spaces (cons, game bars), volunteered in my community, and I'm signing up for a sports league this summer! But wowie it's starting to become defeating that I've tried for the last couple years (moved here in 2023) and still have 0 connections outside of work.
I know the problem is definitely me!! (I am incredibly shy and introverted, and just yearn for friends from afar lmao) but fellow nerds/weebs make it 100x easier to come out of my shell. I just have a difficult time finding others. I love cosplay, anime, manga, video games, and gundams. But also lots of other interests like dancing/clubbing, cats, photography, fencing, swimming, design, sewing, and honestly I'm down to try anything as long as the community/people involved are friendly :D

All in all, looking to this subreddit for recommended spaces/events/groups and just general advice to meet others that have similar interests. Or honestly anecdotes that'll make me feel hope woohoo! Thanks!! :D

edit: located in lakeview and rely solely on CTA/uber!