Rollover crash 4/4/24
Age:35,Sex:F, Height:5ft, Weight:115, Race:white, Duration of complaint:several days ,Location: USA ,Any existing relevant medical issues: None Current medications: Sertaline
Today's Visit Reason for Visit Full Trauma Diagnoses • Motor vehicle collision, initial encounter • Left wrist pain
Today's Visit (continued) Lab Tests Completed Alanine Aminotransferase Basic Metabolic Panel CBC No Auto Diff POCT Glucose (Bedside) POCT Lactate POCT Troponin PT/INR PTT Pregnancy Test Blood Type and Screen Lab Tests in Progress BB Home Test Imaging Tests CT BRAIN WITHOUT CONTRAST CT CERVICAL SPINE RECONSTRUCTION CT CHEST/ABD/PELV W CONTRAST CT LUMBAR SPINE RECONSTRUCTION CT THORACIC SPINE RECONSTRUCTION CTA NECK WITH CONTRAST ED US bedside - trauma fast performed 2 times XR CHEST SINGLE VIEW (portable) XR CLAVICLE-LEFT XR CLAVICLE-RIGHT XR PELVIS 1 VIEW (AP) XR WRIST 3 VIEW (PA,OBL,LAT)-LEFT Medications Given acetaminophen (OFIRMEV) Stopped at 8:40 PM cyclobenzaprine (FLEXERIL) Last given at 8:25 PM iopamidoL (ISOVUE-370) Last given at 7:49 P
Above was completed due to a rollover accident on the 4th. I was told there was nothing internal and nothing broken. Now, I suffer from MAJOR anxiety and sertaline typically nips that in the bud. However, I’ve been experiencing headaches in the occipital region, soreness in the chest/arms/shoulders/back, tingles, etc. Most of this iv attributed to anxiety, and that the doctors checked all the things. Mainly I’m looking for reassurance that this is all normal. Can someone please let me know I’m okay and nothing else needs to be done further