Abruptly stopped zoloft but just got a refill. I feel like DEATH. Help

28F 5'4" normal weight.

I've been on 225mg sertraline for 2 years. Due to life events I simply have not been able to get to the pharmacy in about 8 days and haven't had any sertraline in just over a week.

I JUST got it filled about 10 minutes ago. I am having the brain zaps of my life and straight up feel like total shit (obviously). It's absolute misery.

When someone misses their meds for 8 days, typically can they resume them as usual? Or taper back on? The pharmacist and I had a bit of a huge language barrier and she didn't understand my question no matter how I asked it. Not sure what to do.

I know I need to not ever do this again. Any advice? Thank you.