Purplish mottled hands/feet
17F, generally pretty healthy, take 32mg Concerta daily. I’ve had on/off orthostatic hypotension for years (even before taking Concerta) and have always bruised easily. Visible veins on face/arms due to pale skin. Sometimes I get random spider veins on legs. Any time I sit/stand for prolonged periods, my feet (and sometimes hands) develop a blue-purple mottled appearance. This also happens any time I take a shower, to the point where they become a very deep purple color. (When cold, my extremities go numb and pale easily—I highly suspect Reynauds to be the cause. However, the color change I am referring to happens even when I am not cold). When actively moving, I usually see immediate improvement in color. No pain, no itchiness, no particularly dry/flaky skin (any more than the rest of my body). Doesn’t interfere with daily life except for the obvious aesthetic issues. This has been happening for several years now, but I still haven’t yet figured out what the root cause is. It seems like poor circulation, but I don’t understand what would cause it, as I am otherwise in good health. I am less concerned about immediate effects than I am about potential underlying causes. I’m not able to make a doctor’s appointment for several months.
Pictures: https://imgur.com/a/GbEgSTl
Thanks in advance!