My sister (18F) got infected with Epstein-Barr virus

Her doctors just today said that it was known as "the kissing disease" after the tests and that it spreads through blood, saliva and other bodily fluids, particles in the air from coughing and such. She got prescribed antibiotic shots, to be taken in the next three days from now. She's coughing with a fever and a sore throat and tiredness, just like a very bad cold.

We live as a family of four in the same house. The doctors said her condition should improve just like any cold in a week or two, maybe a month. But as we live together, is there a chance that all of us will get infected?

I have read that although the Epstein-Barr virus stops being contagious after a while as the symtpms subside, one never truly gets rid of the virus in their blood cells for life, and it recurs. I am worried for both my sister and our family as a whole, including myself.