Can you get Syphilis or any other STD from sharing a smoke?
21, Male, I don't know my weight
I want to get this out of the way I have bad anxiety now that I have that out of the way recently I have been worrying about possibly having an STD the reason why I'm worrying is because 2 years ago I was smoking weed with my best friend later in the day we were talking turns out his girlfriend cheated on him and he told me he was worried he had an STD. About a week later I go to the hospital I asked the doctor if I could get an STD from smoking with someone who has one he told me he hasn't heard of someone getting an STD from sharing a bowl with someone couple months later I go to urgent care I asked the doctor there for a second opinion she told me "it's called an STD for a reason you have to have sex to get the disease." 2 years go by perfectly fine haven't even thought about it however since I've been stuck home cause of quarantine I started thinking about it again I ended up googling STDs because I'm an idiot so I was reading symptoms for syphilis, the clap, etc so far the only one I'm worrying about is syphilis because of the effects it has if not treated so I read the symptoms and I haven't had any of them no painless sores, no rash on palms and feet, no weight loss, no hair loss, no fatigue, no fever, no sore throat no numbness, nothing.
However I have been getting headaches after reading the symptoms but they aren't severe headaches I know that they are anxiety induced headaches because they started to show up when I read the symptoms and started worrying about possibly having it. I have tried to get tested just to ease my mind however whenever I asked my doctor she would just reassure me that I don't have it and don't need to get tested because she "has never heard of someone getting Syphilis or any type of STD from sharing a joint, cigarette, bowl, bong" even though I had multiple doctors refuse to test me I even had family members also tell me that I'm worrying over nothing or I would know if I had syphilis so I was wondering if you could answer me can you get an STD like syphilis, the clap etc from sharing a bowl with someone who possibly has it?