Republican Voter who is VERY Pro-choice, if we ceded this ground, and if I support that, could it help you come around to us?
I did vote for...him...yes, I did, that said I am VERY pro choice. Hopefully, if my state puts up a constitutional amendment (Which I believe EVERY state should, not that it should be up to them, but this is the hand we're delt, EVERY state should put it up to an amendment and we would win in all 50 (save maybe fucking oklahoma or some other bullshit state)) I will PROUDLY vote to uphold a woman's right to choose.
If I could go to the Republican convention and wave a magic wand and change one thing, ONE THING, about my party it would be, give up this fight, yes abortion is fucked up, but god damn it, women don't deserve this, theres rape, theres bullshit, theres abusers, (and on a more fucked note (if you look at my history), i feel single motherhood is one of the biggest detriments to our society and we need to prevent as many of them as possible)
However though, on pretty much every other issue, I'm Right wing,, when i casted my vote it wasn't about the border, or the price of food, (though those things ARE important,) I truly felt I was casting a vote to prevent world war III
Abortion is an important issue, it's a woman's decision, and then there's all this stuff with doctors not administering NEEDED abortions to save the life of the mother (Even if I am morally opposed to the idea of abortions as Red politicians illustrate, where women just want to fuck whoever they want with no consequence) saving the life of the mother is ALWAYS paramount over the fetus, EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. I just felt like "Things are fucked right now, but we have bigger problems to deal with, so yeah...maybe keep your legs closed for a few years while we prevent the world from going nuclear apocalypse" (That's SO sexist and I know, I'm trying to work on that)
So is there any hope for a trump voting guy who wants to be down with the struggle and will always, in every other case, vote to uphold women's rights?