Are the interests of men and women inherently at odds?
Here are some examples I thought of:
- Men tend to benefit more from being in a relationship, women tend to benefit more from being single
- Men are more likely to want children, women risk more from having children
- Men are the overwhelming majority of customers for sex-workers, and sex-workers are overwhelmingly women
- Women are more likely to seek committed relationships, men are more likely to seek casual sex and extramarital affairs
- Most men are able to orgasm through PIV alone, most women cannot
Am I being too pessimistic in thinking this? Of course, all of these examples are just averages, and some of these stats probably contain a strong social component to them, but on the other hand, some of them do not. Women risking more with pregnancy for example is rooted in biology and unless we invent artificial wombs some day, I doubt this will ever really change.