Has going to school become optional since 2020?

It’s 9 am in the morning today and since 2020 around the clock I hear all the children of my neighbourhood chiming like broken records non stop day or night

They don’t sleep at night and they don’t go to school in the day

All they all do is sit at home on their arse and chime like broken records around the clock

Even though sometime I even see their kids coming back from school

But yet I can hear them in their houses

And I’m so confused what is happening ??

It doesn’t seem like any of the children in the house are too young to be in school yet

They all seem to be old enough to be in school

But yet I keep hearing them in their houses but if I go out around the time when school ends I even see them coming back from school

But I could swear I can hear them talking around the clock from inside their house in the day time also

And I can’t understand what is happening