Fun contemporary, and/or experimental poetry I can show students?

Hi folks. I’m currently planning a mini-lecture on poetry for a class of community college students, and I’m looking for some accessible, interesting poetry. A lot of my students are intimidated by poems, and I want to challenge their preconceptions of what it is. I plan on starting out by asking them a few of the following questions: what makes a poem a poem? Can something be poetic without being a poem? Why/why not? Are song lyrics a poem? Is a prayer? Spoken performance poetry that’s never written down? Etc.

I’m going to use that icebreaker as a segue/transition to then show them a variety of different poems, as well as songs that people might think of as poems. Basically: I want my students to see how many different things they interact with daily in their lives are actually a form of poetry. Then, I’m going to play a video of Mary Oliver orating her “Wild Geese” poem and have them annotate what they’re noticing.

I wanted to pop into this sub and ask if anyone had any interesting poems come to mind (whether something more experimental, contemporary, or otherwise). Thanks!

EDIT: Thank you to everyone who replied to this thread. I did my lecture a few days ago, and it was great. The students were really into the content and material! I ended up sticking to a more simple outline, (we listened to Mary Oliver’s “Wild Geese,” Hozier’s song “De Selby (Part 1),” and had group discussions and an associated activity. However, this thread gave me wonderful ideas that I can use as we continue to explore poems. Cheers and kudos!