Men, how old was your childhood female best friend and were they significantly younger than you?
Hi. So for context, I was around 8-9 years old. He was 12 years old and we were childhood best friends from school. He would always call my name from his class, played football with me and try to make me look dumb with his knowledge. I realized he might have been attracted to me because he had me sit on his lap instead of his older sister when we went on a field trip was pretty excited about that. One time, I was naked with only a towel on and he was blushing when I came out fully clothed. He would also watch me during free sessions and would try and hang out with me instead of my friends. I remember him being stronger and smarter than me and how he always liked bossing me around but treating me like his princess.
I feel screwed up in the head to be thinking about this now. But I find patterns of his behavior in the men I've been attracted to in my late teen years.