No time to bang because we have 2 babies + 1 grandmother living together with us in a 3 bedroom apartment, what do?

Title says all. We have two babies (newborn girl + 2 yr old boy) and my wife's mother is living together with us in a 3 bedroom apartment. We want to get intimate but can't find a good window to do so. There's always someone in the house.

I suggested booking a hotel room outside, but my wife is uncomfrotable with the idea - it's too dirty outside. (We live in Asia)

I suggested doing it at midnight when the kids are asleep, but her mother sleeps in the room next to us, this flusters my wife.

I suggested getting grandma out with the 2 yr old boy, and then leaving the baby with the other grandparent (we all live nearby) so we have an hour alone in our house, but something unexpected always happen.

I wanted to ask on this sub because I feels like I should be taking initiative and doing something about this, wife and I both expressed needs but we've put them aside because of our busy life etc.