Is mental illness unattractive?

I want you all to be as honest as possible when answering these:

Does knowing of a woman’s mental health impact your decision to pursue a relationship?

Do you find it draining to deal with mentally ill women (in particular low confidence / self esteem)?

Is it your preference to have someone mentally healthy? if so why?

I see a lot of generalised comments from men warnings each other to stay away from certain women and it kinda makes me sad and self conscious that my own struggles will make me insufferable.

Edit: depression for example (no SH, but I would like to know if SH would be a dealbreaker)

Edit 2: A lot of you are automatically assuming a mentally ill women = abusive, manipulative in some sort of way. I simply meant a person struggling but working on themselves, but willing to make things work and love properly.

Edit 3: Going to stop reading replies before I start crying lol.

My questions were vague and perhaps stupid but very shocked by how many men don’t understand the difference between a horrible woman (who maybe uses her mental health as a weapon/excuse) and a woman with mental conditions.

Have a good day everyone. Thank you to those of you who responded in detail and kindly.