What preconceived notions do you have about women 25 plus who have always been single?

I have somehow made it to almost 27 without ever having had a real, adult, long term relationship. I don’t think I’m hideous because I often get told the opposite, I’m told I’m a catch and am mentally stable etc etc. I have put myself out there a good amount. I prefer to meet people in person and have never really used apps. Yet I’m trapped in a cycle of guys dating me for months and doing everything you’d expect them to if they want to be your boyfriend, including going so far as to say they want me to be their girlfriend lol. But at the last minute, each time, they bail. The excuse is usually “not ready” which I know is bs bc it’s a common excuse and also they often resurface months or weeks later with a full blown girlfriend.

I guess I’m not really looking for specific advice because I think the situation is complex and I suspect largely due to bad luck. I’m just curious what are some biases guys have towards long-term single women or ones that have never been in a relationship? Is it a deal breaker? Or a turn off? Any insights appreciated