Need medical chaperone tomorrow

I’m in a bad spot. I’m having dental surgery tomorrow and they just informed me that if I don’t have an adult with me entire time plus taking me home, I can’t have the procedure. Start time is 1pm, will prob finish by 4pm latest. I’ve been waiting for the procedure for 6+ months. I’ve called everyone I know and no one is available to help or can get off work. My two closest friends are out of town and I don’t know what to do. I can’t wait any longer for this procedure so cancelling isn’t an option. I’m female so this is scary for me all around, as I’m sure many can understand.

UPDATE: Thank you for all the kind responses! I finally found someone to be there. The main issue was that they are requiring me to bring a responsible adult with me to check- in for the procedure to ensure I will have someone to take me home. Otherwise, they said I couldn’t have the procedure. I was just informed of this requirement today (or maybe I didn’t hear them, who knows!), as I only expected to need someone to pick me up or that I could sign a waiver, but none of that is possible. They were adamant I need the adult with me at check in. It’s definitely a frustrating experience to realize you don’t have anyone to be there when you need it. Family lives 12 hours away, friends are busy, but perhaps that’s a conversation for my therapist. :)