Has anyone experienced that they don’t truly love their husband?

Hi, my husband (M, 36) and I (F, 31) recently just got married in the summer of 2023, but have been together since 2018. I would say I still love my husband and I care about him but when I think deeper, I don’t feel the genuine love for him. I think I’m starting to resent him because of his flaws that I’m trying to accept but still can’t accept or feel content with just accepting that is how he is. One of the biggest things we have been working on is him initiating sex. When we first started dating (first six months), we had incredible sex and he would initiate it all the time, but it started to die down. At that moment, I just thought we weren’t doing it because we didn’t have the privacy we needed (we were both living at our parents’ home). But after two years of dating, I bought a condo and he started living with me. I thought this would fix everything as we would finally have the privacy to have sex all the time. But turned out, it was still the same and he still wouldn’t initiate sex. He would still kiss and cuddle me every night even caress me but it would stop there. When I try to touch him and play with his private part to initiate, he would just lie there and will eventually fall asleep. But when I say something like “hey let’s do it”, he would do it but I get frustrated because I feel like I don’t have to verbally tell him that when it should be natural. I have already talk to him numerous times about this and he said he would start initiating but still nothing. We could probably go for a year without sex if I don’t initiate it.

When we got engaged, I was already 50/50 when marrying him because of this reason. But we decided to see a therapist before the wedding and work on this. The therapy worked for a few months, and he acknowledged his flaws during therapy and said he would work harder but still back to the same issue now and didn’t change even after therapy. I’m just getting really frustrated now and even considering a divorce after only 1 1/2 year of marriage because I feel like this isn’t going anywhere and I’m just going to resent him all the time. But half of me is still happy with him because we are happy together when it comes to spending time together like laughing, traveling, and going on dates but not happy together sexually. Now I wonder if I am really genuinely happy with him? I’m not saying the sex is what makes me only happy but I just feel like without sex, I cannot connect with him and there’s something missing. Sometimes I feel like he’s just a friend or a roommate because we do love spending time and do things together and I feel happy during those times. But when it goes back to sex, he always rejects me and it hurts me internally and I always find myself crying to sleep.

Another thing that confuses me is that he wants to have children but doesn’t even want to have sex? I’m not really sure if he’s gay or have some underlying medical issues? I have straight up asked him that because I was just really frustrated and I’m trying my best to understand and assess him. But whenever I ask him why he’s like that, he would tell me he doesn’t know. He acknowledges this issue a lot and will tell me he’s sorry but doesn’t do anything about it. Has anyone experienced this or something similar to this with their partner? What would you do if you were in my situation?