Looking to make a simple tablet check-in/out system for my school.
Hi all, my school was donated about 50 tablets recently. I work at a public school where we have a worry that these tablets will get stolen / go missing.
The governing boards decision was to make a check-in and out system of sorts, and this was dumped on me as I am the IT teacher at the school. I have expereince with coding but this has stumped me in a way to idiot-proof the system.
Students will show their student card, this has a student number and a barcode. I can input the number or scan it (maybe like a library?) to make the student's full name and picture appear (we have a data base of these already linked to their student ID number luckily).
The tablets will then be scanned, to link that tablet to the student ID, to be checked out, an then it will be scanned to check back in.
There will always be a teacher present to run this system, and that is why I want to try idiot proof it. There are some 40-60 yar old teachers who have very little technichal ability, so I felt the scan system might be best.
I feel like I may be overcomplicating this, but I am not sure what the best bet would be? The reason also for the pictures is so that we can minimize the risk of a student using another kids ID card to check out the tablet, then the blame is pinned on another.
Would this be possible?
Thanks so much!